Monday 5 December 2011

Redemption Of Dance's No.1 Audience

‘Redemption Of Dance’  magazine’s audience is passionate for the music,  Open minded and generally Intellectuals who have a talent for art, striving to create a masterpiece through practice and discovery. They tend generally to wear bright coloured clothing specifically shoes that have no grip for when they like to dance , Light or dark coloured jeans and shirts of either black, white blue or red covered by a white and blue tracksuit.  They express their art talents through any means, either painting, designing buildings, Origami or even find art is in the forms of fire, mechanics and explosions but anyway they see it, they are expressing their joy for the world and their love for art. They listen to Music generally, listening to songs from eurodance, Jumpstyle and Dubstep. Our audience usually hang around clubs or any place where their is a good beat. No matter what the occasion, Our fans believe in pride, upholding one’s honour and are the loyalist of friends, no matter the situation.

Our magazine is made up of 72% of groups ABC1 and the audience is split about 85% male and 15% female.

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