Monday 12 December 2011

Blog Review

Notes From fellow Colleagues
                In the class, We split up into multiple groups to view each others Blogs, telling each other their blogs Strengths and weaknesses.  I received three reviews and I will discuss them now.

What do you like about it:
·         The use of slide-share: It is a different style of getting you information to the audience
·         The analysis of Existing products is very detailed and gives the blog reader a clear view of why things have been done in a specific way
·         Detailed every item of work  really well
·         Breaking up blocks of text
·         Good use of language and terms
What would you improve:
·         Should upload more images to make the blog more appealing
·         More posts and the results of your survey
·         Write nicer blog posts about no-one completing survey, it comes across as arrogant and negative
·         Include a ‘My ideal reader’ and add some sample photographs of what the reader would look like
·         Make the blog look the same as the magazine using the same colour scheme and fonts
What is the most interesting thing about it:
·         The layout is interesting and neatly organised
·         The use of a forum to find information for the conducted survey
·         The name of the magazine being able to be abbreviated would easily fit with any target audience
·         Expanding research to beyond friend groups

                So which of these should I work on and improve? Unlike the flat-plan, pitch and style sheet, I will work on almost all of these. I do believe that some of my posts are lacking visual graphics so I will upload a few pictures that match the text. I have posted the results of my survey so the 2nd one is already done, this was probably included as I probably had not posted my survey results up at the time. I do admit, one of my posts is slightly arrogant and negative but I am not sure whether to change it as that is how I felt at the time of the post as I don’t like changing my past opinions but I might come across as less arrogant if I do change this. I will Have to decide on this. I also have included a My ideal reader post but it needs appropriate pictures. The last Improvement to make the blog match the magazine with the colours and fonts is in my opinion, something that NEEDS to be DONE. I would like a cloudy theme as this uses light blues and whites (Sky and Clouds) and would match the colour scheme for the magazine.

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