Monday 5 December 2011

Q Magazine D.P.S (Double Page Spread)

Photography: There are two types of pictures used within this cover. A facial shot has been used of someone who is most likely a celebrity within the bottom right corner and Another shot would be that of a band against a chain-linked fence. The context of the fence may represent imprisonment or even represent breaking out. The band’s photo is supposedly larger than that of the portrait photo as They have done something that is more important which could be releasing a song which made it to the top of the charts and it might be an interview whereas the other picture might be an opinion of another artist on the main article but sadly, I do not know as the quality of this picture I found was very difficult to read with the size of the D.P.S as it was. 0
Colours scheme: Only light colours have been used for the pictures and the only thing being dark is that of the costumes that the characters are wearing. They are wearing dark overalls which could be represented as evil yet the man who stands in front of the group is wearing a white T-shirt underneath which usually is a saintly colour which represents good.
Writing Style:  Everything here seems to use the same font but with different sizes to that font. Anything that seems important or something that might attract glimpses of attention have been coloured in red as red usually represents fire or even adrenaline and these usually attract the attention of an audience.
Overall look: the overall look is that of a successful D.P.S. It shows Text which most likely relates to the band and the portrait picture although very small, stands out amidst the text so overall, the article can clearly be granted the O.K for being a good example of a basic magazine spread as usually, D.P.S’s have a larger colour spectrum used.
Text/Picture ratio: the text to picture ratio is about 55:45 with the picture being dominant over the text.  The ratio would have been 50:50 but the small portrait picture on the right hand page changes this balance in favour of the pictures and the fact that sometimes, the smallest things stand out the most gives the pictures a greater authority over the text.
Publisher: Bauer Media group


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