Monday 12 December 2011

Flat-Plan, Pitch and Style Sheet Review

Notes From fellow Colleagues

                In the class, We split up into multiple groups to view each others pitches, Style Sheets and Flat-plans.  I received three reviews and I will discuss them now.

What People Liked:
·         Written text on Flat-plans to show what items will be where on the magazine
·         The Niche market as there are no magazines on the specific genre
·         Name Of The magazine

What People would change:
·         Pick a font for the front Cover that is easy to read
·         Add colour to the flat-plans
·         The colours used on the fonts and titles
·         Spacing between the article text on the Double-Page-Spread

What People found most interesting:
·         The creativity of the Front Covers
·         The main Image holding onto aspects of them magazine
·         The backgrounds of Pictures being Edited and Non-edited
·         The Name of the magazine is so Cool

                So which do I work on and which do I ignore? Well, I am actually going to ignore quite a lot of what people would change because The flat-plans look good so no need for cover and this will also show a drastic difference between the flat-plans and the finished product, I believe that I did pick a font which was easy to read for the front cover, If other people cant read it then I will change this obviously to a different font. The colours on the fonts and titles are that which match the genre so these will not change But what i will take into account would probably be the spacing between the texts on my D.P.S as three small columns for the main article would most likely look better if split into two Columns and This removes some of the small spacing between the texts while still allowing the same amount of content input.

                Reacting to what people found the most interesting and what they liked,  they Loved the plans for the images and how these will merge with the magazine titles, The name of the magazine and how the genre is new for a magazine and the fact that it has never been attempted before. Overall, I got a lot of really positive feedback and this has increased my aspirations for this magazine and hopefully, this will fuel my ambition to create this to the highest degree of perfection as human nature allows.

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