Monday 5 December 2011


ROD is a new magazine aimed at the market of 14-30 year olds. The readers of this magazine will most likely be males who enjoy dancing and having a good night out.
It will cover all most aspects of Eurodance music from the popular bands to the must listen music that has just been released. It will be a mixture of Band Interviews to talking about gigs, good websites for music, maybe mention radio and perhaps mention the location of places that bands generally tend to visit often and where the best Eurodance bands will be playing. It will use a large colour scheme of light colours with one or two darks colours, Lots of text but not too much and an excellent range of photography, both edited and unedited.
The example double page spread will be an interview with the ‘Lords of Paradise’, discussing their newest  album ‘Moonlight at Sundown’ and their new tour around Europe. Their will also be an article advertising the band Requiesca’s new hit single, Forgotten Past and some Tour Information About ‘Lords Of Paradises’ Tour around Europe with gig information.

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