Colours scheme: The colour scheme is set around bight colours such as pink and blue which attracts attention. Writing is in black and white which can overlook the background colours, allowing the writing to be clearly seen. At the bottom, it has a bubble which reads 'read more' which is in red and yellow and as this only uses these colours, the common eye of readers glance which gives them the message.
Writing Style: There is a multitude of different writing styles. The pictures for articles down the left side for the contents are the same font and seem the same size except for the smaller text underneath which gives a clearer look into what the article is about. The effect of this is so that people who have never seen one of these magazines before can tell what a topic is relating to. The text for the article itself has enlarged the titles so you can tell what part of the article something might be talking about such as 'FEATUED' is all in capitals, been made bold and is a larger size than the long boring text of in-depth detail into the article and what the link to the you tube video
Overall look: It is colourful which can attract a lot of attention and the overall look can be misleading as you do not know what page articles are on, it only tells you what thee is and this is also quite discrete as it is down the left side of another article
Text/Picture ratio: the text to picture ratio is about one-third being pictures and another third being that of text. For some reason, the designer of the article seems to have paid more attention to the background as that seems to be in my view, the key element that dawns people into the gasp of reading the article/contents.
Publisher: Thrust Publishing Ltd.
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